Concussions: How Can Physical Therapy Help?
Concussions have gotten a lot of attention in recent years. Concussions are
thought of as only occurring with a blow to the head which, in reality, is only
one way that they can happen.
Concussions can also occur from a fall, either during sport or even a large slip
on the ice. These quick movements similar to a whiplash-type event can still
cause concussion symptoms. Concussions can even occur secondary to a collision
with a fellow athlete where the heads do not connect. Click here to learn more.
Physical therapy is usually the thing you are told to do after medication, x-rays or
even surgery. But what if the best way to fix your aches and pains is to start
with physical therapy?
If you experience any aches or pains,
click here to request a free assessment
from our partner, Athletico Physical Therapy.
Free assessments are available in-clinic or virtually through their Telehealth platform